Sunday, September 23, 2007

Thanks for your comments!

Everyone has been so kind on their comments. I really appreciate it. It is easier for other bloggers to post comments and my non blogger friends seem to be having problems. So if any of you bloggers can give me a hint or two to pass on, I would love it. I think I am finally ready to explore and learn more about blogging so any site recomendations would be great too.

I know I owe you a pic of my hand spun for the drawing next Friday, but I am wanting to spin up some more choices before I pick the one I will give away. So, today I spin.

Also, I have added myself to the purling puppies blog ring. So look for more pictures of me and my four delightful doggies! I wake up with so many thoughts of things I would like to share with you and I want to get more adept at adding links and my favorite podcasts, like Cast On with Brenda Dayne and Sticks and Strings with David from Australia. But for now, let me leave you with a pic of my best boy, Lucky, heart of my heart. Ta.

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