Wednesday, June 20, 2007

First Blog

Well, for my first Blog, I would like to say, Welcome to the wild and wacky world of Knittin' cacher, where you can follow me on my journey to find the pot o' gold! I am a knitter who is getting started in the geocaching world in between selling new homes for America's Builder in Tucson, AZ.

This evening I sat outside in my back yard, enjoying the cool evening; meaning it was around 80 degrees in the dark. I had spent the day at my sales site, selling two homes and working until 8:45 pm. It is nice to earn a living helping people buy a great home. But I digress from our main topics.

I have been knitting for several years, and have recently learned to spin. Yes, I warned you it would be wild and wacky! Spinning adds a whole new dimension to my knitting. It also helps me center myself, as it is such a simple, creative act. I follow the spinning disk of my spindle as I gently pull small amounts of wool up and up as it becomes it's true self; yarn.

On geocaching, I am a beginner. I have a GPS, the manual, and some batteries. I hope to get the whole thing working tomorrrow. I am kind of worried that the cache sites in this area will be too hot to look for. I am not, repeat not, an early bird. I also worry about snakes. When I went caching with my brother, we were in cool weather in northwestern Washington. To take up this hobby of adult treasure hunting was due to his influence. You can find out with me how enjoyable it is in the 105 degree sun in southern AZ!

And, a little about me: I am a happy person who hopes for peace in the world. I live with 4 dogs, a cat, and my life partner of 10 years. I have 3 children and I would like to wish my oldest child a happy 21st birthday! On this day, 21 years ago, I birthed a wonderful human being and one of my dearst friends. Happy, Happy, RayRay.

Enough Blather, time for bed and a few pages of "Bitten", my latest night time read. Catch ya on the cache side! KC

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